

Frequently Asked Questions

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Programs to empower athletes to pursue their best, enriching every part of their lives.

How do I pay for my Mentoring Program?2024-04-17T00:36:35+00:00

All payments will be by Direct Deposit with details provided on each invoice.

Do you provide group sessions?2024-04-17T00:35:37+00:00

Absolutely! These sessions form part of my Mind-Set Training Programs and are great if you are part of a team, or if you coach a team, and want to cover topics which apply to all athletes. These sessions are a great way of ensuring all members of your team have exposure to concepts that can help them as they navigate the basketball pathways, and apply them to all areas of their lives.
Please contact me for more information on this option, and to organise a private training program for your team.

As a parent, how am I involved?2024-04-17T00:35:13+00:00

You are giving your athlete the opportunity to learn from and bond with their mentor in order to become empowered as they navigate their lives on and off the court. Your support throughout this process will help your athlete get the most from the program. However, the sessions themselves are for the mentor and athlete only.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Nat via email should questions or concerns arise.

What happens during a session with a mentor?2024-06-04T02:25:22+00:00

When you meet, you will go through your regular Wellbeing Checklists with your mentor. From here the mentor is responsible for driving the direction of the session, unless there is something specific you wish to bring up and seek guidance on.

Your mentor is there to listen and identify critical points in your decision making and help you understand your experiences.
​Make sure you share information relevant to the context of the discussion.

What if I am unable to make a session?2024-06-04T02:27:14+00:00

If for any reason you are unable or do not wish to complete the mentoring sessions you have paid for, please reach out on our contact page. Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you can’t make a scheduled session, otherwise we are unable to refund the session.

Who will be my mentor?2024-06-04T02:26:10+00:00

Enriched Athletes mentor is Olympian and Enriched Athletes founder, Nat Burton. Get in touch today to see how Nat can help you.

How do the mentee and mentor connect?2024-04-17T00:32:49+00:00

You have 2 choices:

  • Face to Face
  • Online

For participants of the Gold Medal Mentoring Program, sessions will consist of a mix of 3 x in-person meetings and 1 x online meeting each month.
From our experience, and based on feedback from participants, both options are equally effective and enjoyable. This just makes our programs even more accessible no matter where you are in the world.

How can I get the most value out of my mentoring sessions2024-04-17T00:32:40+00:00


  • All online sessions are recorded on Zoom, and your mentor will keep notes on topics covered and goals agreed upon, which will be shared with you. Use these as a reminder and reference as required.
  • Your mentor will be asking you lots of questions, answer them as honestly as possible and share as much as you can.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions; be curious.
  • Mentoring is an extremely casual dynamic, there is no need to feel pressure and there really isn’t a right or wrong way to do this.
  • Be open to alternative views and to trying different strategies your mentor may suggest.
What is the role of a mentor?2024-04-17T00:32:30+00:00

The mentor’s role involves:

  • Listen to the mentee’s needs, issues, concerns, aspirations and expectations
  • Act as a sounding board and provide alternative perspectives
  • Share expertise and stories
  • Act as a role model
  • Motivate and support the achievement of goals
  • Refer to appropriate referral network when required
  • Hold the mentee accountable to agreed behaviours and goals
  • Support further development on and off the court
  • Maintain confidentiality
What is mentoring?2024-04-17T00:32:00+00:00

Mentoring is about using lived experiences, skills and knowledge to help guide and empower people to strive for excellence and increase wellbeing in every area of their lives. This is achieved through regular 1-on-1 meetings where the mentoring relationship is nurtured in a relaxed environment.


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