What We Do

Mentoring Program

Award-winning Performance Mindset Training

Programs to empower athletes to pursue their best, enriching every part of their lives.

Our Programs

The unique and exclusive Enriched Athletes Mentoring Program provides athletes with personal guidance, motivation and mind-set development as they pursue personal excellence both on and off the court.

Check out the bio of Olympian and Enriched Athletes founder, Nat Burton, to learn more about who will guide you through your mentoring experience.

For availabilities and new expressions of interest, please leave a message in the contact section and we can get started on your journey.


  • Increase psychological & emotional wellbeing

  • Increase self-esteem, achieve self-acceptance

  • Adopt a positive self-image independent of any sport performance

  • Decrease stress

  • Attain life-balance

  • Develop effective resilience & coping strategies
  • Develop internal motivation

  • Develop a performance mind-set

  • Enhance communication & relationships with coaches, parents & peers

  • Apply mind-set skills and strategies used in sport to other areas of your life

  • Lead a happy, healthy life

Mentor Programs

Click on the links below to browse the mentoring programs and discover how we can work together to suit your specific needs.

If you are unsure what program will suit you or simply have some questions please get in touch.

Mentoring Program

Providing the highest level of support along an athlete’s mindset journey, the Platinum Mentoring Program is an all-inclusive program that takes performance and development to the next level. Combining athlete mindset sessions with pre-game preparation sessions, in-depth game review, skill development analysis and advice, parent support sessions, and coach support sessions, the monthly membership provides athletes with elite-athlete level support and guidance across all levels of their performance.

Mindset Mentoring Sessions:

Discuss topics of mental wellbeing and mindset development to improve your understanding of the power of your mind and the way you approach your sport and life.

Create a structured, individualised Performance Mindset Plan full of goals, habits and tools to help you cultivate a healthy, holistic mindset to achieve peak performance.

Receive guidance and support from your own personal mentor throughout your season.

Your own Athlete’s Journal ($35 value)

Game Preparation Sessions:

Chat with your mentor pre-game to help prepare mentally. This can be a casual chat, a guided visualisation or a reminder of your focus areas based on your Performance Mindset Plan.

Game Review Sessions:

Review film from your most recent game with your mentor, paying specific attention to skill development, decision making, goal reflection and body language.

Be guided through your own Game Reflection, focusing on what worked for you, what didn’t, what you can learn and any adjustments you can make.

Create new weekly goals aligned to your observations from your game.

Parent Support: (as required)

Gain an insight into the athlete mindset training your child is undertaking, while learning how you can specifically support your athlete and their wellbeing.

Receive guidance and referrals regarding development opportunities for your athlete to help them achieve their goals.

Space to provide information that may assist mentor in supporting and helping the athlete.

Coach Support Session:

Allows your mentor to touch base with your coach to seek feedback and input about athlete’s performance and mindset.

Space to share how the coach can specifically support the athlete based on the mindset training covered between mentor and athlete (with strict permission from athlete required to do so).

Game viewing:

From your personal mentor to observe the athlete in action, find particular skill development areas needed and observe any specific areas mindset training and tools can be implemented.

Athlete Mentoring Sessions in person or online as required

Weekly Game Review Sessions (1hr)

Pre-game Preparation Sessions (30 mins) if desired

Unlimited access for parent and athlete with your Mentor between 9-5 weekdays

Game viewing by mentor to review film and create clips for athlete review session

1 x Coach chat (if required)

Referrals and connections to top-level coaches for skill development, recommended Strength and Conditioning programs and nutritionists, as well as international opportunities for camps and tournaments

6-month minimum required. This provides the best value and the best chance to develop your athlete mindset and the support networks around the athlete

Gold Medal
Mentoring Program

The Gold Medal Mentoring Program is a 2-month intensive program for athletes looking to incorporate mindset training into their lives to compliment and enhance their on-court performance. Each month of membership involves direct access to your mentor as well as 4 x weekly sessions, providing you with the space, support and tools to start your mindset journey.

Over the program membership you will deepen the working relationship with your mentor as you make a commitment to developing your mindset and supporting your wellbeing.

Access to your own personal Mentor.

Weekly one-on-one Mindset Mentoring Sessions to discuss topics of mental wellbeing and mindset development to improve your understanding of the power of your mind and the way you approach your sport and life.

Create a structured, individualised Performance Mindset Plan full of goals, habits and tools to help you cultivate a healthy, holistic mindset to achieve peak performance.

Receive guidance and support from your own personal mentor throughout your season and off-season.

Each session is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the athlete.

A report on the discussion undertaken during your session will be provided.

Your own Athlete’s Journal ($35 value)

4 x Athlete Mindset Mentoring Sessions for 45-60 minutes , online or in-person

2-Month minimum required in order to provide the most effective support and best chance to develop your athlete mindset

Silver Medal
Mentoring Program

The Silver Medal Mentoring Program provides athlete with an insight into mindset training, without the commitment of the Gold Program. We recommend at least 3 x 1 on 1 mindset sessions, so that your mentor can offer the most effective support that this program has to offer, and athletes can start to implement the unique mindset plan they’ll create with their mentor.

Access to your own personal Mentor

One-on-one sessions to discuss topics of mental wellbeing and mindset development to improve the way you approach your sport and life. These activities cultivate a healthy, holistic mindset to achieve peak performance.

Each session is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the athlete.

A report on the discussion undertaken during your session will be provided.

Your own Athlete’s Journal ($35 value)

In-person or online meetings for 45-60 minutes, scheduled as required

Bronze Medal
Mentoring Program

The Bronze Medal Program consists of monthly or fortnightly sessions that provide continued support and ongoing mindset development for graduates of the Platinum, Gold or Silver Medal Mentoring Programs. The program is designed to build upon the foundations established in the initial programs and to offer guidance as athletes navigate the many transition points in their sporting lives.

*Only for graduates of Gold or Silver Programs

Continued access to your own personal Olympian Mentor.

Monthly one-on-one sessions to provide continued support and ongoing mind-set development upon completion of your Gold or Silver Medal Mentoring Program.

Each session is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the athlete.

A report on the discussion undertaken during your session will be provided.

Monthly meetings (in-person or online) for 45-60 minutes

Unlimited access to your Mentor between 9-5 weekdays (have a chat, email, share articles)

Mentoring Program

Parents are the number one support person in an athlete’s life, and we want to help you make sure you positively support your child as they navigate the ups and downs that come with playing sport.

This program is designed to help parents gain an insight into athlete mindset training, deepen their own self-awareness, and learn how to support their athlete and their wellbeing.

One-on-one sessions with you and your athlete’s mentor

Gain an insight into athlete mindset training, deepen your own self-awareness, and learn how to support your athlete and their wellbeing.

Each session is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the athlete and parent.

This program is added to both Gold and Silver Medal Programs with the intention to enhance the effectiveness of the mindset work undertaken by the athlete.

In-person or online sessions, scheduled as required.

Number of sessions recommended to be discussed with your athlete’s mentor

Contact Us

For Athletes By Athletes

For availabilities and new expressions of interest, please get in touch and we can get started on your journey.